I’ve had some huge confidence knocks this last year and when this happens it impacts our perception of our value in the world.
Now this can be different to self-worth.
And this is the thing, it’s all about nuances with words and energy, in my humble opinion!
And as we know the Universe, including ourselves, is made up of light, sound, vibration and frequency.
There’s a difference between the words “humiliation” and “embarrassment” and a difference between the feeling (energy in motion) and therefore they carry a different vibration or frequency.
So, if you’ve experienced some knocks this last year, which we all go through and I want to applaud you gorgeous for dusting yourself off, straightening your crown and getting back up again…
But it might be time to reassess some of your beautiful, healthy boundaries, or as I like to call them, flowerbeds.
It’s your choice who you let into your life (garden) and sometimes you have to make guests aware of where they are overstepping (as you’ve just lovingly planted some strawberries) and guide them so YOU get to enjoy a happy, energising, enriching life!
As it’s all about YOU. You are the leading lady of your life.
Here’s the thing. When our confidence has taken a knock we tend to retreat and retract our boundaries or lower our self-worth and value.
And I’m here to remind you, (yes it’s my purpose in life. The Divine spoke to me and was very specific) you’re a queen who is perfect just as you are and you wield an astonishing amount of power and ARE the reigning sovereign of your life.
So where have you consciously or most probably unconsciously downgraded yourself?
As always, I have some practical tools to help you reassess things and my FREE Tapping handout to help you let that shizzle go.
💛 What To Explore & Try 💛
- Take a look at the different areas of your life which are not as you’d like them to be and then check in with yourself…
- Are you not valuing yourself in that area?
- Has your self-worth taking a battering?
- Is it time to reassess a healthy boundary in this area to raise your self-worth, value and confidence to create the result you desire?
- Are there lack thoughts and lower frequency feelings (e.g. shame, guilt, grief) when you think about yourself?
And babe, no judgement here as we all have these thoughts and feelings otherwise we wouldn’t be human.
Then Tap them out and reclaim your power!
💜 Tapping 💜
Here’s my FREE Tapping resource to help you elevate those areas of your life to hone your manifesting skills and create the life worthy of your queen-self.
You can grab my Tapping resource here.
👉 Now let me know in the 👇comments 👇 what landed for you or any ahas you had so I can support and celebrate you.
Here’s to you queen. 👑
I’m eternally grateful to share this timeline with someone so fabulous as you.
It’s a true honour.
I’m also reminded of a quote...
If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion. Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive." - Dalai Lama
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