I’m enjoying the most wonderful week as things are shifting for me. Things which used to overwhelm me or I struggled with, I’ve been diligently devoting myself behind the scenes to shifting my perception aka mindset and guess what beautiful?
It f*cking works!
But, you have to have the desire to change it. And I mean really want to change.
And that’s where sometimes contrast can be beneficial as when we are in the hardship, uncomfortable, sticky-ness of contrast we desire more for ourselves and then we get our beautiful behind’s up and get moving to change things of ourselves.
This week I want to talk to your hot-self about letting go of expectations and forgiveness.
I forgive you for not being the way I wanted you to be. I forgive you and set you free.
This really resonated with me, as we always want the other person to change or the external circumstance which currently sucks and when we do this we dis-empower ourselves because we are the creators or our own lives and the outside “world” is merely a projection of our internal thoughts.
Now I hear you, this might be great in theory but actually applying it to our *real* lives is a whole other ball game, but do you know what, it doesn’t have to be because again that’s a decision that YOU get to make you powerful queen you.
I’m going to be real with you. There are some people in my life who really hurt me last year but what I came to realise is that maybe they were not living up to my high expectations, maybe they were not behaving the way I wanted them to and who am I to impose my limitations on someone else?
💛 What To Explore & Try 💛
Think of someone or maybe a few people in your life which you feel have hurt you in some way.
If you’re still thinking about them, you’re still carrying around that hurt in your beautiful energetic, emotional and physical body.
So you need to let that sh*t go because the only person it’s harming, weighing down, causing dis-ease in your nervous system is you.
You can do this by taking radical responsibility for your projections and expectations which you placed upon this person – it can also be a situation too – so you can see it differently and free yourself by elevating your consciousness to love and aligning to forgiveness.
💜 Hawaiian Forgiveness Prayer Ho'oponopono 💜
I forgive you for not living up to my expectations or for not behaving how I wanted.
I am sorry that I imposed limitations based on MY past experiences on to your queen, king, non-binary royalty-self.
Thank you for highlighting to me where perhaps I am imposing limiting expectations on myself and not being as kind and compassionate as I could be to myself.
I love you and thanks for reflecting back to me the forgiveness and grace I need to give myself in order to set my mind, energy and physical body free allowing me to be the badass queen I know I was born to be.
👉 Say the above prayer out loud in front of a mirror as your eyes are the window to your soul and just let it work its healing magic. ✨
👉 Now let me know in the comments below what landed for you or any ahas you had so I can support and celebrate you.
Now like I mentioned earlier you have to really want to change things for yourself.
You have to choose love for yourself.
You have to raise above the ego mind to miracle making territory also known as the Divine, Goddess, Higher Power.
Forgiveness enables us to love on ourselves so hard and set ourselves free from the limitations of the ego mind and plug into the infinite possibilities of the cosmos which are waiting in the wings for us.
We only need to choose love for ourselves.
That’s it.