This week on The Lucy Brand Show I created a Tapping on: “Allowing Miracles To Unfold In Your Life”.
And for your blessings to unfold, yes the ones meant for your fabulous-self, no-one else, you have to be living it up on the frequencies of joy, bliss, peace, love and fun. 🥰
If you’re choosing to hang-out in your dilemmas and challenges in the gloomy vibes of victim you’re not activating your true energy and you’re doing yourself a disservice as you’re giving your power away to your challenges.
And queen, you’re way to amazing for that. 👑
In truth, your challenges and dilemmas are an absence of love.
If you raise your perspective and vibration to that of love (Queen-self) that’s when you lift yourself above your dilemma and are using the POWER of your choice to choose love and that’s what blessings and miracles are.
They’re love. 💞
And oh woman are you entitled to having them rain down on you.
Like a layer of muddy water obscuring the crystal-clear natural spring beneath, if you’re too focused on your dilemma it will obscure your perspective and you won’t be able to see the miracle waiting beneath, let alone claim it.
So today I have a mantra for you.
🌸 Mantra Of The Week 🌸
I choose to unlock the miracles which are waiting for me in the wings of my life. I choose to focus on what lights me up and activates my Big Queen Energy so I can play all out in this life-time and claim ALL the blessings which are rightly mine.
The keys to unlock the miracles which are waiting in the wings for you are perception and frequency.
That’s it.
I know, simple right, but it’s devoting yourself to the art of it which can be tricksy as that wonderful ego mind loves to ruminate on our dilemmas.
You got this though.
You’re not here to play small in this life-time.
You’re here to play all out and claim that outrageously awesome life for yourself.
And I’m sitting here on the sidelines cheering and whooping you on.
👉 Now let me know in the 👇comments 👇 miracles you’ve allowed into your life before so we can celebrate them and stir the pot to welcome in more.
Love you. 💛
I also host a powerful FREE Women’s Energy Healing event online each month which you can register for here.