This week on The Lucy Brand Show I gave a sermon on how: “What lack of money really means and how to make more!” and I channelled a Tapping on: “Activating confidence and your BQE (Big Queen Energy)”.
Today I want to speak with your amazing-self about your confidence.
It felt amazing all of us Tapping on raising our confidence together and activating our BQE (Big Queen Energy) like the badass babes we are.
What shocked me and I’m going to use the word *shocked* was the woman who shared about her confidence was incredible.
Smart, powerful, a leader, an inspiration and so much more but those thoughts and feelings of self-doubt were creeping in and de-railing her at work.
I’m sure you can relate gorgeous.
So today I have a Hawaiian Forgiveness Prayer named Ho'oponopono for you.
🌸 I’m sorry I keep doubting myself in <Insert The Area Of Your Life You Keep Doubting Yourself In>.
🌸 Please forgive me allowing my insecurities to eat away at my confidence and derail me when it comes to creating my desires and dreams here.
🌸 Thank you for reminding me of how smart and successful I am and how I’ve totally got this because look at all the miracles we’ve created before.
🌸 I love you and it’s time we stepped up and became the leader we know we were born to be whether that’s in our own life or in the lives of others. It’s all the same as we’re all one and I never know who I’m inspiring.
👉 Say the above prayer out loud in front of a mirror as your eyes are the window to your soul and just let it work its healing magic. ✨
Please don’t let your insecurities get the better of you because the world hasn’t even seen a fraction of your greatness yet and I for one can’t wait to witness it and lovingly cheer you on.
👉 Now let me know in the 👇comments 👇 where you’ll be donning your crown and acting like the queen you are as we’ve all decided to play together in this life-time.
Love you. 💛
I also host a powerful FREE Women’s Energy Healing event online each month which you can register for here.