Today I wanted to remind your fabulous-self that you’re not who you were yesterday.
You’re a new version of yourself today.
How cool is that?
Or you can choose to focus on what you’d love to create and orientate your mind, energy and focus on where you’d like to go.
I heard an amazing quote a few years ago which has always stuck with me:
“Don’t look back you’re not going that way”.
We always have to have one foot in the present moment and one pointing in the direction we’d like to head so we always know where we’re currently at and what our true north is also known as our desires and dreams.
Then we listen to our intuition so that we’re tapped into all the infinite possibilities available to us and the Universe can rearrange itself to make our dreams happen.
We’re not taught to listen to our intuition.
We’re taught from a very young age to rely *heavily* on logic and rational but if everyone did that then look around you at all the innovative inventions which would’t have been created.
And do you know what the key is? 🗝️
Your imagination.
Yes, I’m saying to daydream more at work or while hanging the washing out or on a walk-in nature.
You can even ask the Faeries to join you and support you in creating your dreams.
You know that I have many times before. 😜
If you're always focused on the past, guess what?
You'll create more of the same past experiences and let’s be honest here, there’s probably some you wouldn’t want to repeat.
If you start every day by celebrating the new you and then focusing on where you want to go with one foot still in the present that's when the intuitive ideas, inspirations, wisdom and nudges happen and that gorgeous, is miracle making territory.
🌸 Mantra Of The Week 🌸
I am choosing to focus on the present and BE in my beautiful human body whilst still holding the vision of where I want to be knowing that every new day is a fresh start for me, who I want to be and making moves towards my dreams as I'm not who I was yesterday.
👉 Now get that beautiful boot-y of yours into action and dance your way towards your desires while celebrating the new you of today and let me know in the 👇comments 👇 the dreams and desire you’re dancing towards.
I’m here rooting for you and your dreams beautiful, along with the faeries.
Love you.
I also offer a powerful FREE Women’s Energy Healing online event each month which you can register for here.