One of things which has drastically changed my money situation is hiring an account who I can really trust, this has taken three attempts and many panic attacks but I got there in the end. 🙏
And brining my cute derriere into the 21st century by moving my accounts online and being trained in the new software by my accountant. 💰
I’m always banging on about knowing where you’re currently at so you can point your compass towards your vision and get moving in that direction. 🧭
I also use the word “investments” because the word “spent” means that there’s no return…
⚡ I spent all my energy on… VS I invested all my energy in…
⚡ I spent all my time on… VS I invested all my time in…
⚡ I spent all my money on… VS I invested all my money in…
Increasing your wealth, which I believe every woman needs to educate herself on, because we’re not taught this sh*t in school and if you want me to be brutally honest, I feel money is just another way to *control* us and keep us feeling disempowered.
It’s not our fault.
As us women have only recently been allowed to have bank accounts, own businesses and manage our money.
It wasn’t all that long ago, that as a woman, if you didn’t marry and bore a son then you could have all *your* money *taken away* from you.
What signal/s was/is that sending us women?
What if you ignited the badass, boss, queen you were born to be by educating yourself around money?
How would it feel to be empowered by money and wield it as a force for good?
💰 If you’d like to address your current money situation the first thing you need to do is forgive yourself. Forgive yourself for past money *mistakes* shall we swap that word *mistakes* for learnings?
💰 Get real with where you’re currently at. This could mean putting on your big girl pants and checking your bank accounts, credit cards, savings, investments etc.
💰 Start tracking your money both income and out goings. The way I shifted my mindset around this was turning it into a game. I now LOVE tracking my money and the best bit, I have no guilt or shame around what I choose to invest my money in as I always know how much I have to play with.
💰 Start uncovering beliefs you have around money which are limiting you from enjoying more. Then get Tapping! Tap out any feelings of anxiety, guilt, shame, anger etc. around money and re-wire your mind with new beliefs you'd love instead.
💰 Take action which might mean coming up with a debt pay off plan or a reduction in out goings or consistently adding to savings or reading a book on how to invest so you can feel empowered around YOUR money and claim your throne and sit at any table you choose to...
I can’t emphasis plenty (you know I’m not a fan of the word *enough*) how knowing your numbers is the most empowering step you can take to embodying the powerful, wealthy queen you were born to be. 👑
👉 Now let me know in the 👇comments 👇 which step you’re devoted to taking next with your finances as I’d love to cheer you on. 🥳
You know I got you. 😘
I also offer a powerful FREE Women’s Energy Healing online event each month which you can register for here.