I’m having such an abundant week and I’m not going to lie, I’m LOVING it.
I’m feeling so abundantly loved, happy, fulfilled, healthy, inspired, creative and monied.
It’s been a tough couple of years or two but do you know what, it means that thanks to that contrast of life sucking, it tastes all the sweeter now and do you know what?
I’m dancing in it. Relishing in it. Celebrating it.
To, you’ve guessed it, bring more of that juicy goodness into my life!
Thanks Mum! Our relationship wasn’t always like that. In fact, quite the opposite at one point, but, you guessed it, the contrast has made it all the more yummy and supportive now.
Today I want to talk to you about powerlessness. I see this all the time out there in the world with women and my clients that we’ve – yes, I’m putting myself in here too – forgotten how powerful we truly are.
There's a saying “Our thoughts and belief can move mountains”.
But we forget.
Maybe we’ve got stuck in a victim pattern around love, finances, health, career.
Now you may be thinking, Lucy, victim is a bit of a strong word but as I always say we have two choices, love or fear or victim or empowered.
Now when we have bought into the illusion that we are powerless in a situation – thanks ego mind! – it usually means we are seeking validation from outside of ourselves when in actual fact our POWER lies within us.
It’s a choice.
It’s a shift in perception.
It’s a shift in energy.
And that gorgeous will change your reality from disempowered to the empowered queen you ARE.
As always, I have some practical tools to help you uncover where you might be in a victim pattern and not realising it in What To Explore & Try and an Activation Mantra to help you activate that BQE (Big Queen Energy) of yours.
💛 What To Explore & Try 💛
Take a look at different areas in your life where you perhaps feel:
- Powerless
- A Victim
- Things Are Not Fair
- Blaming Others
- Hoping That Someone Will Come & Save You.
And journal on why you are giving your power away to these people or situations with no judgement and lots of love.
It’s about becoming the observer and not the participant.
Then ask yourself:
- How can I take back control of this situation?
- What steps can I take to empower myself when it comes to <Insert person or situation here>?
- What would it look like?
Then take action but makes sure your thoughts and energy are aligned with empowerment and not victim as you want to take aligned actions from your empowered state not a powerless one.
💜 Activation Mantra 💜
I choose to devote myself to flipping the script with <Insert Person or Situation> from disempowerment and victim to claiming my power by <Insert The Action You’re Going To Take>.
👉 Now let me know in the comments below what landed for you or any ahas you had so I can support and celebrate you.
I haven’t met any women yet who don't have one person or situation where they feel dis-empowered.
Ad once you’re empowered in that situation, it doesn’t mean it’s done and dusted, there'll be more but that’s how we grow and work off karma. 😉
Here’s to you, you beautiful, empowered, when you walk in a room you own it, queen. 👑
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