It’s my free Women’s Energy Healing Tonight at 7:00pm, London time baby and places are filling up fast.
I’m being nudged by my spiritual entourage to host our session on frustration at our lives, the world and ultimately ourselves. So, as usual, I’ll be bringing bucket loads of love, a big dollop of compassion and sprinkling of my infectious energy.
I’ve been thinking about the heavily charged emotion of shame recently and especially the impact it has on us women.
Shame is stored in our sexual organs and it’s an energetically heavy emotion which chips away at our self-worth and ultimately our faith in ourselves.
If you’ve read my love letters for a while, you might remember that I wrote a love letter to you about it not being about a lack of self-worth as to why you were struggling to create your dream life but actually a lack of faith in you, the Divine and the cosmos.
We’ve all had experiences where we’ve felt ashamed and sometimes it’s been too painful to heal it, so we’ve just carried on and ignored it.
And the thing with this coping mechanism is the “shame” emotion and experience gets stored in our beautiful bodies and energy fields and ends up weighing us down.
Or worse, it gets added to a pile of previous “shame” feelings within us and when you experience shame in the present moment that back log comes rushing to the surface making the current “shame” experience ten times more intense than it needs to be.
So today I have a Hawaiian Forgiveness Prayer named Ho'oponopono for you.
🌸I am sorry that we experience shame when we think about <Insert An Experience Which Invokes Feelings Of Shame For You>.
🌸Please forgive me for holding on to this emotion of shame around <Insert The Experience Which Invokes The Feelings Of Shame> in my nervous system, heart, sexual organs, beautiful body and energy field.
🌸Thank you for highlighting where I need to be more loving, compassionate and nourishing to myself by letting these feelings of shame go around <Insert The Experience Which Invokes The Feelings Of Shame>.
🌸I love you. It’s time we moved on mind, body and energy from <Insert The Experience Which Invokes The Feelings Of Shame> as we’re so worthy and deserving of experiencing peace, love and respect for ourselves and dancing on the same frequencies as our dreams and desires.
👉 Say the above prayer out loud in front of a mirror as your eyes are the window to your soul and just let it work its healing magic. ✨
👉 You only experience your emotions for 90 seconds and then it’s your choice whether you hold on to that feeling or not.
So let that shizzle go babe so you can be who YOU were born to be and live the life you’re worthy and deserving of.
Which, in case you’ve forgotten, is an incredible love filled, giggly, turned on, fulfilling, manifesting miracles left right and centre life.
Do you have experiences which invoke feelings of shame which you need to move on from?
Then give my Hawaiian Forgiveness Prayer a try and let me know how you feel afterwards 👇 below 👇 in the comments.
You know I love you. 💜
I also offer a powerful FREE Women’s Energy Healing online event each month which you can register for here.