I have a question for you today.
Are you looking at a situation from your queen higher-self or stuck in the murky bog of victim?
If you’re cemented in victim, (and lovely, you know we’ve all been there if we’re not currently there about something) you can be so focused on lack or what’s not working or in your wounds that you end up creating what you don’t want rather than what you’d love.
Huge fan.
You know, I came to Tapping to move on from my own trauma around the burglary and it took two years of weekly Tapping plus a whole heap of other healing modalities for me to come to a place of peace with it all.
And that’s why I encourage you to really go there in the first round of Tapping.
Say everything that’s triggering you.
All the really mean, *unreasonable*, politically incorrect stuff so you can get it out of your system, mind, body and energy and hit an internal reset and come to a place of neutrality because you’re acknowledging and owning where you’re at.
And that’s so important.
I know you want to be *over there* hanging out in your vison but if you don’t know where you’re at currently, how you going to create your vision as you have no starting point.
If you don’t now where you are, you can’t point a compass in relation to where you want to go.
Once you’ve been honest with yourself about where you are, how you’re feeling and your thoughts and *cleared them out*, even if it’s just for 2 minutes, those 2 minutes are a huge opportunity for you to Tap into your queen / higher-self/ intuitive / Divine / creative perspective.
The one whose reality is not determined by previous experiences and limiting beliefs.
That’s where the power is.
It’s about taking responsibility.
Owning your thoughts and feelings and beliefs about the situation, dilemma, challenge, person and then shifting perspectives to allow yourself to connect to your intuition and be guided by your soul as to what’s the best next step for you to take for the highest good of all involved.
You are a powerful creator and you create your reality.
I know you’ve probably heard that a million times before but it’s true and I want it to land for you not just on an intellectual level but for you to REALLY get it by embodying it.
As a powerful creator, wouldn’t you rather create what you and your soul would love to experience?
And take action from your / higher-self/ intuitive / Divine / creative perspective?
Or would you rather create from your beliefs and lower nature which you’ve taken on from family, society and who knows who else?
It’s all within you and you get to decide what you want to create.
And you also get to decide where the power is placed whether it’s in what you’d love or what you don’t.
How cool is that?
Now take your badass-powerful-queen-self off and create what you’d love and if you’d like some help, here’s my handy Tapping guide.
👉 Tell me what you’d love to create for yourself next in the
👇 comments 👇 and let’s get those powerful creative juices flowing.
You know I love you. 💋
I also offer a powerful FREE Women’s Energy Healing online event each month which you can register for here.