Today I wanted to share with you how the *need to know* or the *how* it’s going to happen is the enemy of making your dreams a reality.
Truth bomb for you right there. 🌟
Needing to know is your ego trying to sabotage you by imposing your, usually outdated and limited, beliefs and assumptions on what your heart truly desires which may not make logical sense. 😜
This means the quickest way to manifest your dreams here on Earth is to listen to your Divinely given intuition for the road map to make it happen as quick as possible and again, that road map might not always make *logical* sense.
I know this can be really hard as our ego mind is very powerful, but your intuition has access to everything through all time and space so it is infinitely more powerful.
The easiest way to know if you’re in your ego and not in your higher nature or as I like to call it, your queen-self, and listening to your intuition is when you're trying to figure out the *how* you’re going to create your desires and dreams.
When you're in the *how* your dreams might manifest, you're in logic, rationale, process aka your human nature and it's what we've been taught in school and throughout life to value logic over our intuition.
But it's your intuition which will make your dreams a reality or solve your dilemma or challenge and collapse timelines to you creating your dreams here.
If you focus on the *how* and use your mind’s logic you're going to engage your beliefs and assumptions from past experiences, society or your family and place those *limitations* on YOUR ability to create the life you desire.
So today I have a Hawaiian Forgiveness Prayer named Ho'oponopono for you.
🌸 I’m sorry that sometimes I’m so focused on the *how* I’m going to make my dreams happen and get so in my head because I really want to make it happen for me that I forget how powerful I truly am.
🌸 Please forgive me for getting so focused on the details that I doubt my intuition and sometimes I give my power away by focusing on other people's processes and strategies because that's what has worked for them.
🌸Thank you for reminding me of how powerful I truly am and the uniqueness of my intuition and my desires and dreams and only I can make them happen for me by listening to my intuition and not getting bogged down on the *how* I’m going to make it happen.
🌸I love you powerful creatress you and I choose to believe that the Universe is re-arranging itself just for me and my dreams, so I'll go and enjoy some time in nature or dance or listen to music anything which connects me to my intuition so I can hear the next steps I am meant to take to create my personal heaven here on Earth.
👉 Say the above prayer out loud in front of a mirror as your eyes are the window to your soul and just let it work its healing magic. ✨
I believe in you and I believe in the power of your intuition and I believe in your dreams and desires and I believe that you can make it happen for yourself but you need to believe it too.
👉 Now let me know here in the 👇comments 👇 your favourite way to connect to your intuition. ✨
Love you 💘
I also offer a powerful FREE Women’s Energy Healing online event each month which you can register for here.