I’m writing to you from my bed today as I’m not well. ☹️
I’ve even had to postpone my Free Women’s Energy Healing event to next Wednesday 26th July which makes me super sad but it’s a disservice to you and myself to show-up unwell.
Also it’s a huge act of loving-self-care to make myself and my health a priority.
I personally think it’s ascension symptoms or some call it up-levelling.
I’ve been massively working on my mindset behind the scenes and my wonderful ego mind has said, “Nope! We don’t want you to change we want to keep you safe and right!”
It’s my go to knee jerk reaction for my ego-mind to self-sabotage through illness.
As laughter is the best medicine. 😉
Today I have a Hawaiian Forgiveness Prayer named Ho'oponopono for you on being triggered.
🌸 I’m sorry for being really triggered by <Insert Person, Situation, Group, Experience>.
🌸 Please forgive me for reacting rather than responding to <Insert Person, Situation, Group, Experience>. I choose to acknowledge and honour my reaction with love and grace so I can forgive myself and let it go.
🌸 Thank you for showing me the parts of me which still need to be healed with love and compassion so I can relieve my suffering and be the best possible human I can in this lifetime.
🌸 I love you <Insert Your Name Here> and I love our triggers too because I love all of us, the light and the shadow. It's just our guidance system lovingly showing us where we need to love ourselves more so we can have more fun, pleasure and joy in our lives.
👉 Say the above prayer out loud in front of a mirror as your eyes are the window to your soul and just let it work its healing magic. ✨
I know triggers can be really challenging but once you bring your loving awareness to them beautiful then you’re back in your power, taking control of the situation and handling yourself like the queen you were born to be.
👉 Tell me in the 👇comments 👇 an area of your life where you feel triggered and need to bring more love and compassion so you can claim your power and free yourself of suffering.
You amaze me.
Love you 💜
I also host a powerful FREE Women’s Energy Healing event online each month which you can register for here.