I know it’s been a while.
I missed you.
Did you miss me?
I’m going to be straight with you.
I’ve been really ill with the flu and this will be week four and I’m still not 100%.
The same narrative, over and over again in my mind.
I’ve also had some personal challenges come up over the last few months.
My Autism Spectrum Condition, my Mother-In-Law and my Husband being made redundant to name just a few.
So while I’ve been struggling to align to joy, healthy vibes and re-ignite my zest for life which I know is within me, my mental health hasn’t been great and I’ve been feeling a bit sorry for myself.
Then out of nowhere my fabulous friend sends me the biggest bouquet of flowers (I had to use three vases) and the most heart-felt note…
They love me and support me no matter how I show-up and I’m so grateful to them but it wouldn’t have happened until I let go of some friendships which were definitely not serving me.
I needed to make space for the *pinch me I’m dreaming* friendships where you’re left feeling how lucky am I to have people like this in my life.
It’s been super painful to let go of some friendship but in some of them I never felt good about myself in their company or there was always a drama which I was dragged into or sometimes I would provoke an unkind reaction from them, unintentionally, because of their own insecurities and unresolved trauma.
One day I thought to myself, I don’t want to feel like this anymore.
I choose love for myself.
If this was a lover or partner, they would’ve been let go of a long time ago because I value myself and love myself plenty to be in loving, compassionate and happy relationships.
So today I have a Hawaiian Forgiveness Prayer named Ho'oponopono for you.
🌸 I’m sorry that I’ve had to let some friendship go over the years because they no longer make me happy or are aligned with who I am becoming.
🌸 Please forgive me if I caused any upset or pain in the cutting of these cords and I hope that you too have found peace and moved on.
🌸 Thank you for putting our mental, emotional and physical wellbeing first, even though it’s been a difficult journey, and making space for new friendships which lift us up and make us feel good.
🌸I love you and it’s time we enjoyed the most delicious, delightful, fulfilling, loving, respectful relationships in all areas of our life.
👉 Say the above prayer out loud in front of a mirror as your eyes are the window to your soul and just let it work its healing magic. ✨
You deserve happiness and being surrounded by people who love you, respect you and believe in you.
You’re a queen and never let anyone make you forget that. 👑
P.S Stick with me and I’ll remind you weekly. 😜
👉 Now let me know in the 👇comments 👇 where you’ve practiced self-love and made your well-being a priority by letting friendships go and what new friendships came from making space.
I also host a powerful FREE Women’s Energy Healing event online each month which you can register for here.