I've joined a trapeze yoga class and it's awesome.
I honestly thought that moving to a rural village in the countryside would mean having to give up so many things a city has to offer.
es, admittedly, I can't order a vegan pizza and get it delivered on a Monday night but, I'm not sure that's necessarily a bad thing? 😜
Although I LOVE my new yoga class, there's one thing, boundaries.
The class rarely starts on time and always over runs.
As a busy queen building her empire, I struggle with this as my days and evenings are jam packed with clients, looking after my garden and of course, getting to know our new fur baby Magnus.
I understand, as the teacher is such a beautiful human being and is so supportive and compassionate, especially when the fear kicks in at having to hang upside down and only be suspended by a sling and your legs.
But in her generous over giving, I can't settle as I'm constantly clock watching to check that I'm not going to be late for my next client session, Goddess Awakening call or free Women's Energy Healing event.
I love a good boundary. It means I know exactly where I stand and I can fully trust, let go and be fully present in that moment and the time given.
I'm not saying I have this boundary thing down myself.
It just finally landed for me, in a way I could share with you and may be of service to help you embody the empowered, queen you were born to be.
Especially if you're over giving from an empty cup.
I'd love for you to see where you could lovingly and compassionately put in place a new boundary or firm one up to be of service to YOUR goddess-self gorgeous.
As when we serve ourselves, we serve those around us too.
Then let me know in the comments 👇 below 👇 as I'd love to hear from your empowered-self.
🌸 Mantra Of The Week 🌸
I am the QUEEN of my life and it's easy, fun, juicy and joyful for me to put in place healthy boundaries and express them to others which nourish, nurture and serve me as it ALWAYS serves them too. 👑
With love always,
I also offer a FREE Women’s Energy Healing event online every month which you can register for here.