A few weeks ago, I was having nightmares.
It happens when I get lax about protecting myself when I sleep.
I just couldn’t “wake-up” feeling good no matter how many morning affirmations I listened to or Abraham Hicks. 😛
I had a conversation with a friend and she reminded me that my soul, and yours, goes off at night to help people.
It’s my understanding that our souls leave our bodies at night and go to help where more light and love is needed where there are tensions in the world or crisis.
Now this is MY understanding, which my guides have shared with me.
You can choose to go with this premise or not.
The other thing I want to mention is the collective consciousness.
We’re all plugged into it and can “download” other peoples’ fears, worries, beliefs, perceptions, and programming into our own consciousness and this can contribute to waking up feeling anxious for “no reason” or feeling down.
I also believe this can be what can cause some of us anxiety which we can’t identify.
So what I really wanted to share with you gorgeous is a few words I have with my soul and consciousness before I fall asleep.
As the good news is, YOU are all powerful.
YOUR word is law and the Universe, Divine, Angels, Galactic beings, even shadow entities must abide by your words (laws).So before I go to bed I say out loud:
Hey spirit,
I’m more than happy for you to go where we’re needed tonight to help spread more light and love throughout the Universe but I ask that when you return you close and seal all portals to my consciousness, heart and being with love and light and you ensure that human me, Lucy, gets plenty of rest so I wake up feeling refreshed, revitalised and joyful and I’m able to enjoy my day and have the energy to be able to do the work you put me here on planet Earth to do.
Love you. 🙏 💖
And do you know what?
It works for me.
It means that any heavy energy my soul may have picked up from where it’s been can not come through into my heart, consciousness or being.
So I can do the work I’m meant to do on the planet which is to create the life I desire through joyful action and be of service from a place of love.
👉 Now you give it a try tonight lovely and let me know how you get on below in the 👇 comments 👇 as I’d LOVE to know.
You can also adapt it to make it work for you.
This is an opportunity to connect with your Soul and your intuition and be guided by what it is YOU need to wake up feeling fabulous in the morning.
As queen, it goes without saying, you’re so worth it.
Love you 💜
I also offer a FREE Women’s Energy Healing event online every month which you can register for here.