I just hosted my FREE Women’s Energy Healing event and I’m still zing-ing myself from the experience.
I LOVE the frequency I get to play in after these events. It’s the same as working with my private clients, it’s a beautiful energy exchange.
Today I’d love to share with you the WHY of keeping your frequency high and then the HOW.
You know me I love to blend the metaphysical and the practical to help you in activating your BQE (Big Queen Energy) and manifesting EVERYTHING that beautiful big heart of yours’ desires.
If you’re wondering why something your desiring hasn’t shown up in your life yet and maybe you’re repeating affirmations and taking so much action in the Aries season but still - NADA.
You see we are made up of light, vibration, sound and frequency. That’s science too. It’s not just me being all “new age” on you.
Every thought you have, has a frequency.
Every word you speak, you guessed it, has a frequency.
Every action you take, has a frequency.
You’re always transmitting a radio signal out to the Universe and the Universe LOVES you so much, and I mean REALLY loves you, that it loves to give you want you want.
In other words what that beautiful, smart mind of yours is focusing on and what that lovely voice of yours is saying and then let’s add in those actions too is the result you will have showing up in your life.
Now, let’s say you want to manifest a million dollars.
If you’re currently overwhelmed by debt and all your thoughts are focused on lack, you keep talking about how much debt you’re in and every time you check your bank balance (action) you freak out about your debt…
Then honey, you’re not a vibrational match for a million dollars.
A million dollars is hanging out on the frequency of love, expansion and abundance not lack, fear and worry.
Now, I have no judgment here at all. I have been in large amounts of debt which I had no idea of how I was going to pay and I would wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat.
What I’m trying to share, and I hope eloquently, is the importance of brining awareness to what you’re thinking, feeling, speaking and doing.
Is it aligned to where you want to go or what you’d like to manifest in your life?
If not, then straighten that crown, claim your throne and have a reframe.
To help you with the HOW to keep your frequency high I have some suggestions below.
💛 What To Explore & Try 💛
- Breathwork
- Dancing, movement exercise.
- I have a screensaver on my phone asking: How’s your frequency?
- Ask your “Pussy” brain what it would like to do.
- Meditating.
- Connecting with the Divine.
- Activations
- Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique - EFT)
- Expanding your frequency
💜 Activation Mantra 💜
I choose to go within and turn-up my frequency to expand to new heights and play in the field of infinite possibilities, aligning myself with all I desire now. I choose to dissolve and alchemise any outdated, limiting and restricting constructs and beliefs in my mind, body and energy field which are stopping me from actualising my full potential in this timeline and others.
👉 Now let me know in the comments below what landed for you or any ahas you had so I can support and celebrate you.
That’s it for today.
Lucy out.
Mic drop. 🎤
*Whispers from the wings* “You’re fabulous and don’t forget it”. 😘
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