There is a practice I use a lot called Dilemma Deconstruction where you look at your (limiting) beliefs behind the dilemma you’re experiencing.
This has been an eye-opening, game changing, revelation for me and do you know what I’ve learnt from this exercise…
Every time, without fail, my core belief with any dilemma is: I’m powerless.
To put this another way, every time I experience a dilemma I give my power away and become powerless and play the victim.
Ouch, right?
That level of honesty really dented my ego, I’m not going to lie. 😲
You’re a powerful creator.
That is the truth and when you start to reclaim your power over the world you experience you begin to understand it is up to you what you experience.
If say, you’re angry or frustrated or resentful towards someone or a situation then you’re giving that person or situation your power and your ego mind will LOVE this and use it to keep you feeling alone, fearful and powerless.
Your freewill is the most powerful creative means you have in the Universe so choosing to use your freewill to re-claim your power and take that energy and use it to turbo charge your dreams by focus it into something you’d love to create for yourself is the key to embodying the powerful creatress you are.
So where are you playing the victim in your life?
Is it your health, love life, relationships, money…
🌸 Mantra Of The Week 🌸
I choose to re-claim my power in <Insert Person Or Situation You’re Giving Your Power Away To> and break any patterns of powerless bondage that I may have gotten myself into with <Insert Person Or Situation You’re Giving Your Power Away To> and I choose to yield the power of my free will to focus on a loving solution to <Insert Person Or Situation You’re Giving Your Power Away To> and what I would love to create for myself. I am choosing to re-assign my focus and creative energy to turbo charge my manifesting powers like the all-powerful queen I am by choosing love not fear and myself.
I see you wielding your Divinely given power and oh my it’s a sight to behold.
I can’t wait to see what miracles you create next for your fabulous-self next.
👉Now let me know in the 👇comments 👇 where you’re giving your power away.
Love you. 💜
I also offer a powerful FREE Women’s Energy Healing online event each month which you can register for here.