This week on The Lucy Brand Show I gave a sermon on: “Consciously Creating Or Manifesting What You Want” and I channelled a Tapping on: “Releasing Resistance & Attachment To Make Your Dreams & Desires A Reality”.
Today I want to talk to you about giving.
If we look at this in terms of thoughts and energy.
If you’re struggling with someone and have unkind thoughts towards them – we’ve all been there or are there, so forgive yourself right now – then those unkind thoughts will come back to haunt you.
Now you have two options.
You can shift your perspective, aka you’re reality of the person and their behaviour, to align with love.
If that’s too challenging for you right now, that’s okay, forgive yourself right now and choose to consciously focus your thoughts – your powerful creative energy and manifesting powers – to ones which align to love.
Use your powerful free will to choose to focus on a topic or activity which elevates your consciousness and aligns your thoughts and then your energy and feelings to that of fun, joy, love, and peace.
You’re creating in every present moment and wouldn’t it be awesome to consciously choose to focus on creating more of what you’d love and high vibes than unconsciously miscreate more <Insert Thoughts and Feelings About The Person You’re Struggling With>?
It’s a constant tug from queen-self consciousness, (elevated consciousness) aligned to peace and love and ego consciousness, aligned to fear and beliefs which no longer serve you.
I visualise it as if I’m in an elevator and constantly going up and down and when I consciously choose to align with love I go up but then when unconsciously or consciously choose to align with fear I go down.
The more you align with love the more loving people and experiences you’ll call to yourself helping you stay on the penthouse floor. 😜
🌸 Mantra Of The Week 🌸
I choose to use my powerful free will to focus on that which serves me and align my thoughts, energy and feelings to love to enjoy the people and experiences which are in my highest good and help me manifest my dreams and desires.
👉 Now let me know in the 👇comments 👇 what activities help you to shift perspective and activate joy?
I love you so much, you know.
I also host a powerful FREE Women’s Energy Healing event online each month which you can register for here.