I see you.
You’re fabulous.
So I thought I’d create, you know, wait that’s a lie, I was inspired to, in other words I was asked to by my guides, to create a two part sermon on higher states of consciousness.
You see we can literally change everything about our “current” reality with our consciousness (oh yes you can, you powerful creatress you) and that’s what I talk about in: Episode 17 – Why Access Higher States Of Consciousness Part 01
So if there’s an area of your life which currently sucks, then this sermon is for you goddess.
As always you know I love to share with you practical tools in “What To Explore & Try” and this week I have a Mantra for you.
🎧 If Spotify is more your thing, you can listen here.
👉 To listen to the full episode, have your questions and dilemmas answered by me and my guides AND receive a powerful monthly activation which you won’t get anywhere else then consider becoming a Patron. 😍
💛 What To Explore & Try 💛
Start to notice when your consciousness shifts by noticing in what situations you react (choosing fear) and when you respond (choosing love) or when you feel peaceful (choosing love) or stressed (choosing fear).
You are constantly choosing whether you realise it or not and when you become aware of this that’s the first step, as awareness brings it in into the light to be healed.
Then you can make more choices aligned to love and less aligned to fear over time.
It’s a muscle which needs exercising and this can be really fun.
You get to up-level every area of your life.
💜 Today’s Mantra 💜
I choose to become aware of the choices I’m making and whether they’re aligned to love or fear and I ask my guides to lovingly support me in this so we can heal those areas which are not resonating on my natural frequency of my higher nature and expanded consciousness.
👉 Now let me know in the 👇comments 👇 what landed for you or any ahas you had so I can support and celebrate you.
Babe, remember you’re a Goddess. Your natural state is love, peace, empowerment and abundance.
Love you 💖
I also host a powerful FREE Women’s Energy Healing event online each month which you can register for here.