I think sometimes, in fact I know, that sometimes we forget how unbelievably, and I mean UNBELIEVABLY, powerful we are and how WE create our circumstances, relationships and experiences aka our reality.
Once you get this, not just on an intellectually level, but I mean embody it right into every fibre of your (human) being you can literally feel the infinite power your queen-self wields coursing through your veins and it’s a trip! 🚀
To quote the original manifesting badass Florence Scovel Shinn, “Your words are your wand” and you literally cast a *spell* over your life with them.
I invite you to look at the areas of your life which are not as fabulous as you’d like them to be and then bring your awareness to the words you use to describe those areas.
I never have *enough* time.
Guess what gorgeous, if you keep repeating that it’s going to be your reality.
I always talk about replacing the word *enough* with the word *plenty*.
Even if you feel into the energetics of the word *enough* it feels *limited* whereas the word *plenty* for me conjures-up waterfalls flowing with abundance of whatever it is I’m thinking about, time, love, money...
I can’t *afford* it.
How about, “I don’t have the budget right now” or “I’m choosing to focus my finances on this area at the moment?”
I’m always so *tired*.
Guess what beautiful, you’re always going to be tired and when you’re focusing on the *tiredness* and not focusing on something which gives you energy, lights you up or breathes life into you your reality you'll be constantly feeling tired.
It’s about shifting your focus from *not enough*, *lack*, *scarcity* the *absence* of something to what you’d love to experience and re-affirming it to yourself and the Universe with your words.
You can employ your words to pave the way for the riches you truly desire whether that’s love, wealth, health or success.
In other words, dig them ditches beautiful with your words and I promise you’ll see the results you desire in your external reality.
Your internal reality, aka your thoughts and feelings create your external reality.
So first shift your mindset and energy (Tapping is my favourite tool to do this. You knew I was going to say that 😜) and then use them words to pave the way to your riches and that’s when you’ll see the results you desire in your current reality.
The inside has to match your outside reality and we do that by casting a spell of words upon our life of blessings and good fortune.
You get extra bonus points with the Universe if you bestow words of blessings on those around you too.
Something to think about?
A bit of tough love there I know but you can take it.
👉Now let me know in the 👇comments 👇the areas of your life you need to change your language around to create the reality you desire.
Love you, you powerful wizard you.
I also offer a powerful FREE Women’s Energy Healing online event each month which you can register for here.